academic working paper on the usability of open source software

via Slashdot
The article uses examples mostly from developer-oriented projects like Linux and Gnome.
Some of their premises seem obsolete. There are new generations of open source software being designed for humans, not just arch-geeks. Examples include weblog software: MovableType; and email/PIM software: Spaces, OSAF. These projects deliberately consider usability.
On the other hand, some of their suggestions are interesting, such as:
* providing tools for users to report usability issues
* creating packaged remote usability tests for users
* enabling bug-tracking systems to incorporate graphical and video
content (apparently Bugzilla discussions of interface issues require
creating ASCII art
* being more welcome to HCI practitioners
The discussion is very academic in tone. The article would be more compelling if the authors had actually tried to, say, contact the core Mozilla team and offered to implement their ideas.

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