
About 9:30 pm. It was damp, about 50. I love running in cool weather. I’ve been doing the Rodney Yee yoga tape several times a week and then running/swimming occasionally. Happy that I can still do the Stacy Park run (1.5-2 mi) without stopping. Basic fitness is good.
I ran the way back on the street. There are trees every 20 feet or so. When you’re getting tired, you just run to each next tree. Should avoid the Stacy Pool parking lot after dark; can’t imagine any good reason why folks would park there at 9:30 pm.
Christmas lights: between Little Stacy Park and Riverside, the houses are up on a hill looking down on the creek. One house has a small pine tree all lit up, about storey high overlooking the street. Further up the street, some folks just wrapped a couple of live oak branches in lights. Either lazy or abstract. At the corner of East Monroe and Live Oak, there are foot high letters made of mini-lights, spelling out “peace on earth”. Which is meaningful every year but especially this year when folks are preparing war in our name.
I used to feel crowded by Christmas lights. This is pretty common for Jews; in a country that’s majority culturally Christian, the assumption is that everyone celebrates Christmas; the ubiquitous decorations, music, and holiday wishes feel intrusive. After having dated a Catholic guy for years, I appreciate them. I can translate them now.
Christmas music in retail stores still makes me want to shoot out the speakers.

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