Woke up in time to go to synagogue on Saturday morning, though I didn’t get there quite on time. Today was one of those Saturdays when I really only feel awake after an afternoon nap.
The minyan was held at the building of the non-denominational synagogue, with some members of that congregation. The rabbi, who was trained reform, is reaching out to the traditional-egalitarian minyanim, and they are holding joint services with us once a month.
The highlight of the service happened during Torah-reading, when the 2.5 year old daughter of some friends started to lug a chair toward the center of the room (people watched, and didn’t stop her yet). She moved the chair over to the bima, where her father had received an aliya. Then she climbed up on the chair, and watched curiously as the adults gathered around the scroll and the reader read.
Her father was anxious and moved to take her down, but the minyan organizer and the rabbi, who were reading and gabbai-ing, respectively, motioned to let her stay.
Hanna is very clever and energetic and mischievous. She drives her parents bananas.
aliya — being called to recite blessings for the Torah reading
bima — altar. A table in the center of the room, where the torah scroll is placed when it is being read. Taller than the line of sight of a 2.5 year old.
gabbai — the person who calls the stage-directions for the Torah-reading.
minyan — prayer-community, with a quorum of at least 10 adult Jews
shul — synagogue
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