Last week Wednesday, I was on an evoting panel at Rice University headlined by Professor David Dill. Dill spoke articulately about the need for a voter-verifiable paper trail his presentation is here.
After the meeting, several people talked to me about taking party platform resolutions asking the party to support a paper trail. One participant lives in a Houston-area county that’s considering buying voting machines to replace a paper system. I recommended against it, since a paper system is safer until the electronic systems have a voter-verifiable paper trail.
The drive out to Houston was pretty — through rural areas and little Texas towns. The drive back between 10pm and 1am was very very very long.
Do Something for Democracy: Support Safe Electronic Voting
What’s worse than a Florida-style election that descends into a controversial recount? How about an election that can’t be recounted…
Do Something for Democracy: Support Safe Electronic Voting
What’s worse than a Florida-style election that degrades into a recount quagmire? How about an election that can’t be recounted…