I’m politically pretty moderate, with some very strong opinions on specific issues that cross party lines.
The current administration is in favor of:
- spending a lot of money we don’t have
- reducing civil liberties in ways, like secret trials, that this country was started in order to avoid
- moving beyond legitimate self-defense to miltary adventurism
- protecting the oil industry instead of getting cost-effective energy technology that frees us from middle east dependence and smog
- pursuing a foreign policy that emphasises weapons of destruction at the expense of weapons of salvation
I’m pretty worried about the consequences of these policies. They could make this country and the world a lot worse for a long time.
(The Economist article might cost money to read; it’s Jeffrey Sachs on proven-effective ways of reducing poverty and suffering around the world. If you want the article, I’m pretty sure I can email it in a way you can read it for free, so ask.)