Over the years, I’ve argued in favor of calling the office Christmas Party a Christmas Party, since that’s what it is. If generic christians really and truly wanted to be ecumenical, they’d also hold Purim parties and Diwali parties — they’d really celebrate when other ethicities party, instead of condescendingly including Hannuka with Christmas.
Last season, the war on Christmas seemed like a joke – a joke on the humorless, paranoid ultra-Christian scrooges who managed to sustain a persecution complex when they’re part of the majority culture.
This year, it’s not so funny anymore.
I’m not offended when someone untentionally wishes me a Merry Christmas. But I do appreciate it when people who know I’m Jewish say Happy Hannukah. The point isn’t about people in the minority being offended. It’s about people in the majority being considerate. So the “war on Christmas” folks are waging a war on politeness. But I’m getting the sneaking suspicion that it’s worse than that.
Wishing a “Merry Christmas” becomes a test of club membership. If a non-Christian doesn’t eagerly welcome the greeting, we’re “them”, not “us”. What the “war-on-Christmas” people are trying to do is to subtly and insidiously create the impression that people who aren’t Christian and aren’t faking it are somehow less American.
It’s good to see that ACLU Texas is prosecuting the war on Christmas with the vigor it deserves.
Happy Saturnalia!
I wonder what is the overlap between the people who are decrying this mythical “War on Christmas” and the people who are upset at the secularization of the holiday.
I fear there is significant overlap. Do they not realize that the only way to resolve that is to turn this country into a theocracy? Or, maybe that’s the goal.
Chip, have you ever seen the Brownback bill, which prevents the courts from overturning laws that are based on the Bible. Like perhaps, forcing a rape victim to marry her rapist, or stoning sabbath violators. They’re really not kidding.